
March 29, 2012

California Dreaming

With the weather back to normal spring temperatures I have been looking forward more and more to our upcoming California Honeymoon Road Trip. And as you know every good road trip is in need of a good playlist and below is the first of what I'm sure will be many. 

     1. The Howlies - Sea Level
     2. Julian Casablancas - 11th Dimension
     3. Rancid - Red Hot Moon
     4. The Misfits - Hollywood Babylon
     5. The Rolling Stones - Happy
     6. The Black Hollies - (Baby) I'm Your Fool
     7. The Slackers - The TV Dinner Song
     8. Hacienda - You're My Girl
     9. Jack White - Love Interruption
    10. The Strokes - I'll Try Anything Once

The playlist includes some of my favorite new surf rock tunes, some classic west coast punk, The Rolling Stones (a road trip must), and last but not least The Strokes Demo featured in the beautiful Sofia Coppola movie Somewhere filmed at Chateau Marmont.

Let the day dreaming continue...

March 14, 2012

Wedding Excitement - Appy Couple

With the wedding getting closer it really is consuming a lot of my thoughts, time and blog surfing.  I am always looking for a few more ideas or ways that people made their day special or stand out and through all of this research I came upon a really new and exciting project - Appy Couple.  

Appy Couple is wedding app for you and your guests and it allows you to do so much.  I have to say that I think the feature I am most excited about is the photo sharing feature. Most people bring a smart phone not a camera to take pictures at weddings and you never have the opportunity to see these photos but with Appy Couple you can take your smart phone photos and share those with the others at the wedding.

I was lucky enough to get an invite to Appy Couple and just in time. I have to tell you it was a dream to use. There are so many options to make it your own and special for you and your guests. There was obviously a lot of time and effort put into all of the design options, and as a graphic designer that means a lot to me. With your Appy Couple app you also have a matching web landing page helping your guests to download the app and in case you're wondering each guest you invite is given a unique code so that they can access your specific wedding and not someone else's.

One of the features that I will not be using but I know will be useful to so many is the option to use the app as an RSVP tool - not only for your wedding but for all of your wedding events and showers. 

This is a truly one of a kind tool and I would recommend it to anyone. It is easy to use, beautiful and I think it can only enhance your guests experience. I have to tell you I am really excited to see what my guests think and will be sure to share it with you. If you want to see more or request an invite make sure to visit

Thanks again Appy Couple!